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Writer's pictureKecia Levie

What is Hypnotherapy Anyways?

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Hypnotherapy is essentially the guided facilitation of accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis with the intention of making change. Thereby aligning the conscious mind (our wants and desires) and the subconcious mind (our protective mind). Accessing and making change at the source (SC mind) allows for impactful, permanent and powerful change to occur.

The simplicity lies in the Subconscious mind. When we access the subconscious mind we are able to easily experience rapid transformation.

Have you ever done something only to immediately regret it right after, thinking to yourself "Ugh. I know better"... and then repeat the pattern a million times over? And probably, beating yourself up along the way. Or making the same destructive choices, reacting and behaving the same ways as a million times before... almost as if you were preprogrammed to respond a certain way?

Well, what if I told you, you are not alone... in fact what if I told you, that your responses and your destructive patterns and behaviours can in fact be changed... And quite easily too.

You don't need to suffer any more. You don't need to live your life feeling like a failure or not in control.

You can change your habits, and behaviours, and destructive patterns... and it's a lot easier than you think. Almost overnight, like flipping a switch back to the YOU you know you are meant to be. The person you desire to be.

Your best self.

Let's dive a little deeper shall we....

Hypnotherapy allows us to change what is stored in the SC mind creating harmony between the C mind (what you know to be true and want to be true) and the SC mind (what is). It is a communication process that allows insight from the SC mind about these unwanted behaviours, self-limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging ways, fears, phobias and anything else that is no longer serving us. And allows us to communicate to the SC what we would like instead. We are able to update our SC mind from our previous programming. The filter is wide open allowing full access to the stored long-term memories by utilizing the creativity of the SC to resolve the issue.

The beauty about hypnotherapy is that unlike talk therapy, you do not need to relive the traumas or experiences to release them and let them go as that can be re-traumatizing in of itself. And because the work is being done in the SC mind, it is extremely successful in generating results.

A study done by American Health showed the following findings comparatively:

Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions

Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions

Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

Check out those stats!!! It's baffling to me that something that is so effective is still so little known. From my experience, personally and professionally I can attest that these stats are absolutely accurate.

Hypnotherapy can truly change your life! And it's often so much easier than you think!

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