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Writer's pictureKecia Levie

YOU Can be Hypnotized

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Did you know that you go in and out of hypnotic states regularly throughout the day?

Hypnosis is a completely natural trance state that we all experience at various times throughout our day. Anytime that we are so enthralled and so entranced in an activity that we actually lose track of time, we are in a trance (hypnotic) state. It might be a fleeting moment or it might last for a while. Has this ever happened to you? Perhaps while reading book? Or doing a favourite craft? Or playing sports?

Have you ever been driving and wound up somewhere, wondering to yourself "how did I get here?". It happens to me frequently. And every time it happens, I think to myself "I need to pay more attention!" If you can relate, it happens when we go into a hypnotic state - a trance state. You have become so proficient in driving that you are able to go into autopilot and let the mind wander elsewhere. Of course, you are still in control behind the wheel. You made the correct turns, using the correct signals, even stopping when needed to, but you are operating out of your subconscious mind (SCM) and not your conscious. Now if the light suddenly turns red or if a bird flies in front of you, you are jarred back into reality and quickly able to switch back to your conscious mind (CM) in a split second. How fascinating!

Other examples of hypnotic states throughout the day are:

Day dreaming/ zoning out. It's called day dreaming for a reason, and although you aren't in a full dream state (Delta) you are definitely not in Beta the awake state. You are most likely in Alpha or Theta. Read more on brainwave states here.

How many times have you started reading a chapter in a book, only to have to re-read it over and over because you keep forgetting what you read? Me too. More times than I'd like to admit.

Getting lost down the rabbit hole of social media. How fast can time go when you are entranced in social media posts?

Falling asleep. When you fall asleep you transition down from Beta the awake state through Alpha and then Theta, finally ending up in Delta ( the sleep state). During the transition somewhere between Alpha and Theta, you go to day dream land where you aren't fully awake but aren't asleep either. Theta is the place of lucid dreaming.

Anytime you enter into s state of focused concentration. You are in fact in a natural trance state of hypnosis. That said, anyone can be hypnotized, because we do it to ourselves.

Hypnotherapy is simply using the hypnotic state (natural trance state) to access the SCM and edit out that which is not serving us, realigning it with what the CM desires.

What does your conscious mind desire? What behaviours, beliefs and perceptions are still not serving you?

In health,

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