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Writer's pictureKecia Levie

Brain Wave States

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

There are many levels of brain wave states that we go in and out of throughout the day. For sake of keeping it applicable, this article will discuss the four levels that relate to hypnosis. These range from being acutely awake and aware (Beta) to being in a deep sleep (Theta).

We live in a fast paced world. Which requires us - humans to operate in the Beta state. It is a state of great productivity and that which has evolved humans to being the powerful beings we are, but it is also the state of stress, tension and anxiety. It is a conscious block to the spiritual world.

Take a moment and close your eyes. Now take a deep breath and as you breathe out, just for a moment, allow everything in your body to relax from your head to your toes. Did you feel it? Even just for a moment? A total calming wave of relaxation.

As soon as we close our eyes and take a deep breath, we become instantly more relaxed and move into the Alpha state. The Alpha state is also known as the Earth state. This is because the Earth vibrates at the same frequency. It is also the state in which animals live in. It allows us to decrease tension, relax, and live in the present. Not the future or the past. This is why it is incredibly important for us to find space to enter the Alpha state throughout our day. And why meditating has such a powerful effect. When people are unable to meditate, it's because they are unable to stop their mind from the incessant chatter - keeping us wrapped up in the future or the past thereby resulting in an inability to be present. This keeps us in a stressed state, with little reprieve. Stressed/anxious individuals need to find a way to enter the Alpha state.

Often worriers/people who suffer from anxiety are poor sleepers too. Which means that not only are they living in a constantly stressed state during the day, with little relaxation for the nervous system, they are unable to allow the nervous system to relax at night as well, resulting in poor sleep (inefficient Delta) and a whole host of issues that come with that. And so the cycle goes.

Getting into Delta is so important though! It's the place of healing. A place where our bodies - our cells regenerate.

It is said that we heal a minimum of three times faster in the Delta state that in Beta. And healing in this state is only limited to the imagination.

When we are born, we live our lives in Delta state until around the age of 3. At which time we are able to move between Theta and Delta until we are around 7 years old. Beyond the age of 7 we are able to move between Alpha, Theta and Delta. And then by the time we become 13 years of age we are finally are able to access all four levels of brainwave states: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

Knowing this it makes sense that kids are incredible learners (they don't have the conscious mind to filter). They live completely in the present moment. Living life to the fullest. They also heal incredibly well. Which makes sense as they spend most of their time in the healing states. Obviously there's a lot more to it than that, but this is just a piece of the puzzle as to what makes kids so incredible and how we can learn from them. This also gives us insight into childhood traumas* and how they are stored. Trauma and hidden memories are stored in the part of the subconscious mind (SCM) related to the Theta state. So, we need to access the Theta state to release them. It's no wonder that often our childhood traumas go back to somewhere between 3-7 years old (the same Theta state in which a child at that age is living in). This of course is not a a hard and fast rule, but is more often the case than not that between these ages is when a lot of childhood traumas come up.

Let's take a closer look shall we?

Beta (14-24+ Hz)

  • Our awake state

  • Our eyes are open

  • Lot's of activity

  • Typically left brained - focus, concentration, problem solving, using judgement, processing information, decision making

  • Interacting in the world with our five senses

  • Functioning in time and space

  • Operating out of our conscious mind

  • We feel stress in this state

  • We access this state beyond 13 years of age (including Alpha, Theta and Delta)

Alpha (7.5-14 Hz)

  • Still awake and aware but relaxed.

  • Eyes lightly closed, or slightly open while fixed on a spot and relaxed.

  • Typically right brained - creative thinking state

  • Relaxation

  • Can control physiology (ex Heart rate, breathing...)

  • Decreased stress

  • Healing

  • Light hypnotic state - ability to access SC and make change

  • We access this state around age 7 (including Theta ad Delta)

Theta (3.5-7 Hz)

  • Deep meditative state

  • Eyes closed

  • Completely relaxed.

  • Deep hypnotic state allowing for access to SC and super conscious

  • Access to insights and creativity

  • We pass through Theta on average twice a day - when falling asleep and upon waking

  • Age 3-7 we fluctuate between Theta and Delta

Delta (0.5-3 Hz)

  • Sleep state

  • Also coma state or unconscious state

  • Dreaming, cell renewal and regeneration.

  • Insufficient Delta state results in sleep deprivation

  • Age 0-3 always in Delta state when asleep and awake.

Many of us are spending too much time buzzing around our lives in the Beta state, rarely dipping down into Alpha let alone getting into Delta to have a good nights rest. We are not giving our bodies and minds the time to heal that they require. It's no wonder our cases of stress related diseases are through the roof. When we don't turn off the stress, we struggle to heal, and disease takes over. Whether it's mental illness or physical illness, it is imperative to healing to access the lower wavelengths found in the Alpha, Theta and Delta states. It is amazing what can happen when we just give ourselves a moment to pause our lives, get present, feel our bodies, and just breathe.

* Hz = hertz: impulses per second

*Childhood trauma: is any event that has made a negative impact on a child. Whether it is a peer laughing at a child or severe abuse, the SCM takes it in as trauma. What may be significantly impactful to one child is not necessarily impactful to another.

So whenever you are feeling stressed, anxious or you just need some chill time. Take a moment, close your eyes, take a long slow deep breath, feel your body relax and drop down into Beta.

Your body and mind will thank you.

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