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About Me

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Hi! I'm Kecia.

I am a Hypnotherapist and a Nurse. And empowering you to live your best life is my passion! Hypnotherapy changed my life and I know it can for you too!

Releasing my own self limiting beliefs, unwanted behaviours and outdated programming has allowed me to live a life I never knew was even possible. I love the person I have become and the life that I have created. And I have hypnotherapy to thank.  


I did not realize the limitations and the impact they were having on my life until they were gone. I struggled with anxiety, high stress, and self limiting beliefs my whole life. But at the time I didn't know how to describe how I was feeling. I simply thought that was just "how I am" without giving much thought to the fact that I could change.


The first shift that occurred in my life happened when I was travelling in Mexico when I was young adult. I suddenly had awareness about ways I was living that were no longer aligned with who I wanted to be and how I wanted to live. At the time I didn't know how to change these over achieving, high anxiety, perfectionist ways, I just became aware of what they were and that they were not serving me.


Life continued. And I continued on my path of high achieving destruction.  My life was consumed with outward goals and achievements. On the outside, it looked like I had it all together. Inwardly, I was riddled with anxiety and scary high stress levels. But I was high functioning. My baseline was high stress and anxiety.  I was completely unaware what "normal" felt like, because I had always lived in a high stress state since the day I was born. It wasn't until I got the wake up call, that shook me out of it and for the first time I felt what it felt to be "normal". Symptoms over the years finally started to make sense. 


Finding out I had cancer in 2014 propelled me on the path of self discovery. Perhaps one of the biggest things I learned through the cancer was learning that I am not limited to my genetics, my beliefs, my behaviours and my perceptions. That with the right tools, we can absolutely shift our health, not only physically but also mentally through our subconscious mind


As I peeled back the intricate layers of my life, days and weeks and years passed by, and I continued to study and meditate and learn as much as I could about mental and physical wellbeing specifically through the lens of stress, anxiety, self-limiting beliefs and behaviours.  I desperately wanted to share what I had learned, but could not figure out how to put all the concepts, ideas and knowledge that I had gained into a tangible framework to help others.


Fast forward a few years and enter: hypnotherapy. 


Hypnotherapy was the framework I was looking for. We can easily create that which we consciously desire by aligning the subconscious and conscious minds. Inspired by this new found approach to health and healing, I immediately enrolled in a year long program through The Horizon Centre School of Hypnotherapy.  


Which has inspired the creation of HALO - Health and Lifestyle Optimization. I am beyond excited to help you live your best life! It is all already inside of you. The key is to access and release what's holding you back, to be able to move forward. When you access your subconscious mind, the shifts can happen so fast. It's a lot easier than you think. Life does not have to be so hard. 


We truly create our own reality. We get to choose how we want to live. We can let go of the past and walk freely into the future. And I so look forward to walking with you.  


xx Kecia

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